
Now Appearing on Canadian Developer Connection

Screenshot of my first article on "Canaidan Developer Connection"It’s time for me to stop lurking and start posting on Canadian Developer Connection, the official blog of the Microsoft Canada’s Developer Evangelism team. I posted my first article there today: a quick introduction telling the readers who I am and what I’ll be doing over the next little while.

Of particular note is this paragraph in the article:

I don’t know if you’ve got this feeling, but I do: over the past few years, while Microsoft has continued to deliver its excellent developer tools, the outreach seems to be directed at the decision-makers — the people with the "buy/don’t buy" powers of approval — rather than at those of us who get our hands dirty with the code and make the stuff actually work. I call this the "Fourth-Party Developer Feeling", the sense that although you’re person who has to ultimately use our stuff, you’re not the one getting the love and attention. I think it’s time for that feeling to end.

As for good old Global Nerdy, I’ll still be publishing articles here, just as I did when I worked at Tucows and wrote tech articles for both The Farm and this blog. Right now, I have no formal process for deciding if an article belongs in Developer Connection or Global Nerdy, just a couple of guidelines:

  • What does my gut say?
  • Very Microsoft-specific? Developer Connection (with a possible cross-post to Global Nerdy).
  • General geek culture? Global Nerdy.
  • Speaking with my Microsoft hat on? Developer Connection. Speaking with it off? Global Nerdy.
  • Really long technical article with lots of example code and diagrams? Global Nerdy, and if it’s specific to Microsoft tech, a link to it from Developer Connection.

Keep an eye on that blog!