As of this writing, you’ve got just over 10 hours to get the R2Decaf T-shirt before it’s gone forever tonight (January 19) at midnight. It sells for a mere USD$9 at TeeFury.
Tag: Funny
First, there were the Twitter phishing attacks that looked like direct messages from your friends offering you a chance to win an iPhone. Now some big-shot Twitter accounts appear to have been accessed by pranksters: FOX News’, CNN’s Rick Sanchez’ and Britney Spears’ accounts have all had tweets posted to them by unauthorized parties.
These tweets have since been deleted, but their images have been saved in a number of places, including a Flickr photoset by Mat Honan and on TechCrunch.
Here’s an image of the unauthorized post on Britney’s Twitter account. The pusillanimous bowlderizers over at TechCrunch blurred out the word “vagina” in their screenshot of the posting, but we don’t do that sort of thing here at Global Nerdy:
Click the screenshot to see the full version on its Flickr page.
Michael Arrington, you big girl’s blouse, they use the word “vagina” on prime time TV – for starters, on Family Guy. Also, thanks to Britney’s now legendary bad judgement and celebrity blogs, we’ve all seen said vagina anyway [link not safe for work!].
Here’s the unauthorized post on Rick Sanchez’ Twitter account:
Click the screenshot to see the full version on its Flickr page.
And my favourite, the unauthorized post on FOX News’ Twitter account that tells the shocking truth of about falafel-and-loofah fetishist and screaming head Bill O’Reilly:
Click the screenshot to see the full version on its Flickr page.
Anyhow, you might not be a celebrity, but it still might be a good idea to update your Twitter password if it’s something easily cracked, like a word that can be found in the dictionary.
The Old Univac Ad, Remixed
Call me easily entertained, but I still find remixes inspired by the movie 300 funny, such as Brian Jepson’s remix of the Univac ad from the previous entry:
You can click the photo above to see the remix at full size or here to see it in Brian Jepson’s Flickr collection.
Gojko Adzic points to this photo taken at QCon San Francisco 2008 by John Grae. It’s a slide featuring YAGNI, the Development Assistant, the programmer’s answer to “Clippit”, a.k.a. “Clippy”:
Photo by John Grae.
Click the photo to see its Flickr page.
YAGNI, short for “You Aren’t Gonna Need It” is a development maxim that suggests to programmers that they shouldn’t add features or functionality to applications that aren’t necessary at the moment, but might be in the future. YAGNI has the DRY (“Don’t Repeat Yourself”) Principle has a cousin and among its ancestors are Occam’s Razor and the KISS Principle (as in “Keep It Simple, Stupid” and not “I Wanna Rock and Roll All Night (and Party Every Day”).
YAGNI, the Development Assistant comes from Bunk and Rambling, a blog by Darren Smith, where he put it forth as an IDE feature request back in May 2006, when he wrote:
While pair programming helps you to write high quality code in an efficient manner there are times that a pair of programmers will end up going off on a tangent and working on something that ultimately ends up not being necessary. To counter the unbridled enthusiasm that usually causes this to occur I give you Yagni, the Development Assistant.
YAGNI is meant for developers who believe strongly in test-driven development, so here’s how it would hypothetically pop up if you tried to create a class and started entering non-test methods first:
I’ll leave it to other people to argue over whether or not you always have to have unit tests.
Here’s another notice from YAGNI:
And finally, what I feel is YAGNI’s most important message – a warning that you’re in danger of embarking on a long, “let’s reinvent the wheel” project:
Since YAGNI’s not likely to appear in any IDE soon, you, your pair programming partner or whoever does code reviews with you will have to play its role for the foreseeable future.
C++ Pointers for Kids
Here’s a fun little claymation video showing called Pointer Fun with Binky that explains C++ pointers “to kids”. Why can’t all programming be taught this way?
My favourite phrase of the moment, thanks to this video, is “Magic Wand of Dereferencing”.
[Found via Being Cellfish.]
Conversational HTTP Codes
Over at, there’s a handy table of HTTP codes, their official meanings and their everyday office culture conversational equivalents. Here are some examples:
Code | Status | Conversational Equivalent |
100 | Continue | Uh-huh… |
101 | Switching protocols | Let’s take this offline |
200 | OK | OK |
201 | Created | I wrote you an email about that |
300 | Multiple choices | You can get that from Bob, John or Sue |
301 | Moved permanently | That’s Bob’s job |
401 | Unauthorized | You’re not allowed to know that |
402 | Payment required | Maybe a twenty would refresh my memory |
404 | Not found | I have no idea what you’re talking about |
406 | Not acceptable | Maybe when you’re older |
500 | Internal server error | Drooling from side of mouth |
503 | Service unavailable | I am way too busy to deal with your shit |
…and hilarity ensues:
- The Onion: OS X Snow Leopard vs. Windows 7
- Apple’s page on Mac OS X “Snow Leopard”
- Microsoft’s site on Windows 7