
Nerd Culture Tidbits

I’m working on an article (working title: Walled Garden…or BEER Garden?), so here’s something to keep you amused in the meantime…

My Obsessions, Circa 1980

Gaggle of Hooters waitresses posing behind an old-school Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

The “Star Wars Trumpet” Video

Well, I can’t make a reference to Battlestar Galactica (the 80’s version) without making one to Star Wars, can I? How ’bout the video that’s making the rounds right now — this so-bad-it’s-good performance of the Star Wars theme on trumpet for the “talent” portion of an old beauty pageant?

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Remind me to tell you folks about my worst on-stage music performance ever sometime.

The description of the video on its YouTube page is as follows:

I work in TV Sports, this tape has circulated amongst our tape rooms for years, I figured it was only natural to be on YouTube. I’m of the understanding it was a statewide beauty pagaent, and Stacy is Miss Douglas County. I have no idea who she is, or if she even knew there was a talent portion of the contest.

It’s believed that the tape has origins in the Kansas City area, and I thought it was a Nebraska beauty pageant.

Obligatory Star Trek Gag

Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.


The Winning Bid on the “Ms. Master Chief” Statuette

“Master Chief” from Halo as a hot woman.Remember the eBay auction for the statuette of “Master Chief” — the character from the Halo series of games — recast as a hot woman?

(In case you missed it, I covered “Ms. Master Chief in this posting.)

The auction ended last Thursday at 9:47 Eastern, and the winning bid was US$2,222, placed by “vetusnox”.

My heartiest congratulations to vetusnox on both winning the bid and having the disposable income to blow a couple of grand on videogame-based collectibles. I salute you with my Star Wars “Cantina Band” figurines!


“Facehooked” T-Shirt Design

“Facehooked” T-shirt design by Luke Ramsey

[Found via Illustration Friday] Luke Ramsey submitted this “Facehooked” design to Threadless. Let’s hope it becomes available soon!

Want to see another cool T-shirt design? There’s one on my personal blog, The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.


ThinkGeek’s 8-Bit Tie

ThinkGeek’s 8-bit tie, modelled by an emo geek.
Cheer up, emo geek!

Looking for a present for a geek who like (or needs) to dress up? How about ThinkGeek’s 8-bit tie? It’s a clip-on, so it’s easy to wear, and polyester microfiber, so it’s easy to clean. Yours for US$19.95 at ThinkGeek.


One Day Left to Bid on “Ms. Master Chief”

“Master Chief” from Halo as a hot woman.
Click the photo to see the eBay page.

Ever wondered what Halo’s “Master Chief” would look like if he was a hot woman? Ever wondered how much you might bid on eBay for a statuette of a hot woman version of Master Chief? You’ve got until tomorrow — October 4th, 2007, 6:47:07 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time — to place your bid.

10% of the final price will be donated to the American Breast Cancer Foundation. The current bid as of this writing is US$2,222.

[via Forever Geek.]


Pair Programming and Sign Language

Here’s a video of two guys doing pair programming, purportedly taken with a hidden camera:

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Cross-posted to the Tucows Developer Blog.


The “Duke Nukem Forever” / “Halo” Connection, Revealed at Last!

We’ve been told that “Master Chief” from the Halo series of games reveals his face at the end of Halo 3. If you can’t wait to finish the game to find out who he is, the webcomic Godmode has given away the answer:

“Godmode” comic that tells the secret of “Master Chief” from the “Halo” games — He’s really Duke Nukem, and if you’ve been playing “Halo”, you were playing “Duke Nukem Forever” all along.
Click the comic to see it at full size on its original page.