
Ignite Your Career Starts Today!

This article originally appeared in Canadian Developer Connection.

The first installment of our Ignite Your Career webcast series starts today at noon Eastern time. Today’s topic is Industry Insights and Trends – here’s the abstract:

The nature of technology is one of continual change; a fact of life for professionals in the ICT industry. As a result, you need to be on top of what is happening in the industry in order to position yourself and your organization to benefit from these trends. This panel discussion will arm you with the information you need from experts in the ICT industry in order to stay on top of your game.

The session will be hosted by Joel Semeniuk, Jeff Kempiners and Jay Payette.

Ignite Your Career is about your career and “skills portfolio”. It’s not specific to any kind of technology or vendor, so it’s useful no matter what kind of development you do. Best of all, registration is free – all you have to do is sign up with your Windows Live ID. It’ll take place every Tuesday starting today and for the next five weeks, with a new topic hosted by different experts every week.

To find out more about this series, check out the Ignite Your Career site.


Tuesday’s “Ignite Your Career”: Industry Insights and Trends

ignition_switch As I mentioned in an earlier post, Ignite Your Career is Microsoft’s webcast series on career, skills and personal development. Having a plan and “sharpening your saw” are two of your three best hedges in these uncertain economic times, and they’re what Ignite Your Career is all about.

(In case you were wondering, the third hedge is to have a solid network of friends, colleagues and acquaintances in your areas of interest. That’s what gatherings like EnergizeIT, DemoCamp and Coffee and Code are for.)

Ignite Your Career is about your career and “skills portfolio”, so the topics covered in our webcasts aren’t Microsoft-specific. No matter what platform(s) you work on, no matter if you’re a developer, sysadmin, administrator or manager, if you work in technology, you’ll find value in Ignite Your Career. As for Microsoft, we’re part of the tech ecosystem, and an ecosystem with vibrant, thriving techies is a healthy one, regardless of the tech they choose.

The first Ignite Your Career webcast takes place this Tuesday, March 3rd, from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Eastern and the topic will be Industry Insights and Trends. Here’s the abstract:

The nature of technology is one of continual change; a fact of life for professionals in the ICT industry. As a result, you need to be on top of what is happening in the industry in order to position yourself and your organization to benefit from these trends. This panel discussion will arm you with the information you need from experts in the ICT industry in order to stay on top of your game.

Here are the speakers:

joel_semeniuk Joel Semeniuk
Joel Semeniuk is a founder of Imaginet, a Canada-based Microsoft Gold Partner. He is also a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP in Team System, and INETA speaker, and has a degree in Computer Science.
jeff_kempiners Jeff Kempiners
Jeff Kempiners is Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Avanade Canada. As CTO, Jeff is responsible for the strategic direction and adoption of the Avanade Solutions Portfolio within Avanade Canada. A seasoned leader, Jeff has more than 12 years of experience in IT management and consulting.

Jay Payette
Jay Payette has been consulting public and private organizations in the field of technology for over 5 years. He currently works for the Ottawa office of Accenture in the Systems Integration and Technology practice.


All Ignite Your Career webcasts are absolutely free of charge. You’ll need a Windows Live ID (also free; if you have MSN Hotmail, MSN Messenger or Passport, you already have a Windows Live ID) to sign up to see the webcast.

Some links you might find useful:


“Ignite Your Career”: Help is on the Way

This article was originally published in Canadian Developer Connection.

Elevator control panel with a Pictured on the right is a photo I took in New York City almost nine years ago to the day. While taking an elevator in the hotel where I was staying, I noticed a little indicator above the rows of buttons for floors – a circular bit of plastic with the words HELP IS ON THE WAY inscribed. Presumably, if there was some kind of failure and passengers were trapped in the elevator, someone in a control room would flip a switch and that little “help is on the way” indicator would light up to let them know that someone knew of their predicament and was doing something about it. I couldn’t resist taking a photo of it, knowing that I’d use it someday.

The financial crunch we’re in has given many people that “trapped in an elevator feeling”. We’re all worried about the state of the economy and our jobs. Many of us know someone who got laid off: a friend of mine got laid off in the middle of a quick IM chat with me, and I found myself suddenly unemployed a few months ago when the startup I was working for had to cut its burn rate. Where’s the “help is on the way” light when we really need it?

Ignite Your Career is our way of sending help. One of your best hedges against the current uncertainty is to arm yourself with the information you need to sharpen your skills and refine your career plan, and that’s what Ignite Your Career is all about. It’s a video webcast series that you can watch free of charge and from the comfort of your own computer, featuring expert speakers on skill- and career-building topics aimed at programmers, IT pros and architects.

The first series of hour-long Ignite Your Career webcasts will start on Tuesday March 3rd and for the following five Tuesdays. This series will be aimed at technical professionals — here’s what we’ll cover:

Date Topic
Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009 Industry Insights and Trends
Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 Discovering Your Trusted Resources
Tuesday, March 17th, 2009 How to Establish and Maintain a healthy Work/Life Balance
Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 How to Become a Great Leader
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009 Building, Managing and Strengthening Your Team
Tuesday, April 7th, 2009 Women in IT Panel Discussion


Another series will start in May, and it’ll be aimed at architects.

With Ignite Your Career, help is on the way. All you have to do is sign up to watch the webcasts – do it now!