
Win a Gary Vaynerchuk Power Session!

gary vaynerchukIf you’re a Shopify store owner, you’ve got until midnight tonight (12:00 a.m. Eastern on Thursday, May 12th, 2011) to win a 45-minute Skype power session with none other than our homeboy Gary Vaynerchuk, author of Crush It! and The Thank You Economy.

All you have to do is visit this article in the Shopify Blog and post a comment explaining the most important lesson you learned while building your business. It could be a simple concrete tip or general guidance – just share your knowledge and you’ve got a chance at winning a one-on-one conversation with “Gary V.”, one of the most successful online entrepreneurs we know! And hey, he’s a fun guy to listen to.

Here are the prizes:

  • The Grand Prize: A 45 minute Skype call with Gary Vaynerchuk. The call will be recorded and we will post an edited version to the Build-A-Business blog. We’ll edit out any personal or proprietary info so we don’t give away your business plans, but Gary likes salty language so much that bleeping out the cussing is going to damn near impossible.
  • Two Runner-Up Prizes: The two runners up will get a Shopify Bag O’ Stuff (not unlike the Bag O’ Stuff I got on my first day on the job) containing:

You’ve got until midnight, so visit our article and make your comment!


Gamasutra’s on Lessons from Atari Games

Game Design Essentials: 20 Atari Games is a long (23 pages!), thorough but incredibly fascinating look at games from the time when Atari mattered as a videogame company. Back when they were something, they weren’t afraid to bust out of the genres of the time, take chances and come up with some innovative, experimental and sometimes mind-bending games with unique touches, right down to that unmistakable bell sound whenever you inserted a coin into the machine.