
How Do You Like Them Apples?

Mollie Sterling wrote in her blog:

It does my heart good to see these photos from my alma mater, The Missouri School of Journalism. Back in the fall of 2001 when I was a freshman, it was me and two other kids in the back row with our glowing Apples. Now I feel almost sad for that poor kid with the Windows machine in the front row:)

Missouri School of Journalism class, with most people sporting Mac laptops.
Click to see the photo on its original page at full size.


“Hi, I’m a Mac…”

…and here are my fellow platforms and operating systems. The sample below shows just a few; click the image below to see the full set, which concludes with Windows Vista. Possibly not safe for work — male bottomlessness and female toplessness lurk within!

Preview image of the “Hi, I’m a Mac” set
Click the picture to see the full version at full size.


The Jing Project: Screen captures, Screencasts and Sharing

Jing Project logoMy job as Tucows’ Tech Evangelist often requires me to take screenshots and screencasts. Although Mac OS X (Tiger) is my primary laptop OS and Ubuntu (Feisty Fawn) is my primary desktop OS, I shoot and edit screencasts on Windows because Camtasia is the one screen recording app that does the job for me.

TechSmith, the folks behind Camtasia Studio, have announced something called the Jing Project. Jing is software for both Mac and Windows that promises to do three things:

  • Capture images: Snap a picture of anything on your desktop.
  • Record video: Record video of what you do, or what you see.
  • Share online: Instantly uploaded. Share in email, IM, or blogs.

Here’s what they have to say on the site:

What is this thing called Jing? Video tour.

The concept of Jing is the always-ready program that instantly captures and shares images and video…from your computer to anywhere.

It’s something we want to give you, along with some online media hosting, to see how you use it. The project will eventually turn into something else. Tell us what you think so we can figure out what that is.

Try it, you’ll like it. Find out more in the FAQ, or on the weblog.

I’ve been hoping that someone would make decent screencasting software that ran on the Mac (and so have the people at 37signals). I’m hoping that this — or whatever springs forth from the project — is it.