
When “OLPC” Means “One Laptop Per Conference”

Here’s a photo that my friend and fellow TorCamp regular Tom Purves shot at Reboot 9 featuring people gathering for a closer look at the OLPC:

Tom Purves’ photo of people gatehring around the OLPC at Reboot 9.
Click the photo to see it on its original Flickr page.

I wish I’d come up with the clever quip “One Laptop Per Conference” in response to this photo, but credit for that line goes to fellow TorCamper David Crow.


iPod Amnesty Bin at Zune Headquarters

Microsoft may not always crank out the best products, but I will have to hand it to them: they certainly can tell jokes. The best part of any Microsoft keynote is the spoof video — consider their parody of VW’s “Da Da Da” tv spot, their Matrix spoof and the “Bill Meets Napoleon Dynamite” clip. If their stuff worked as well as their spoofs, my Vista laptop wouldn’t be relegated to second-banana duty.

Rex “Fimoculous” Sorgatz recently experienced some Microsoft self-promo humour when paying a visit to Zune headquarters. Here’s what he saw near the entrance: an iPod amnesty bin:

“iPod Amnesty Bin” at Zune headquarters
Click to see the photo on its original page.

The Mac fanboy/fangirl reaction seems to have largely been one of amusement, and as one commenter on The Unofficial Apple Weblog puts it, the Zune Amesty Bin is the store shelves.