
TechDays Vancouver 2009: Day Two at the “Microsoft Platform” Track

Vancouver Convention Centre and waterVancouver Convention Centre, as seen from the Fairmont Hotel across the street

Yesterday marked Day 2 of the TechDays Vancouver 2009 conference. The track that I’m in charge of is the most broad one: Developing for the Microsoft-Based Platform. With such a wide array of topics that I could cover, I decided to focus on four areas that I and the people I surveyed thought would be both important and interesting:

  • Rich (Internet) Applications
  • The “Software” half of “Software + Services”, namely client applications on computers and other devices
  • ASP.NET MVC, the model-view-controller web app framework that I like to call “Rails That Scales”
  • The “Services” half of “Software + Services”: services accessible via the internet

Day 1 was about the first two, and Day 2 covered MVC and Services.

The Track in a Nutshell: MVC and Services for Day 2

The morning featured two ASP.NET MVC sessions. First, Charles Nurse of DotNetNuke presented Introduction to ASP.NET MVC, which was aimed at ASP.NET developers looking to make the leap from WebForms or to see what MVC is all about. Daniel Flippance of Habaneros provided a great follow-up presentation with SOLIDify Your ASP.NET MVC Applications, which matched two great topics – our new web application framework and the SOLID principles of object-oriented design (which I covered back in July with this article).

Charles Nurse and Daniel Flippance presenting at TechDays Vancouver 2009Charles Nurse and Daniel Flippance

The afternoon was all about services. We started with Phil Bolduc presenting Building RESTful Services with WCF, which covers two topics that Microsoft developers are just starting to pick up. After that came Ho Yan Leung, whose session was Developing and Consuming Services for SharePoint. As you can see in his photo below, you can find Windows 7 and Microsoft platform development in places you wouldn’t expect:

Ho Yan Leung and his MacBook at TechDays Vancouver 2009Ho Yan Leung

(Phil: I got sidetracked during your presentation and didn’t get a chance to snap your photo. My apologies!)

After the final session, we cleared out the presentation halls, gathered for a post-conference meeting to discuss what went right, what went wrong and what we should do at the next stop on the TechDays tour, which is Toronto on the 29th and 30th. We packed the demo machines in their nigh-indestructible flight cases:

Flight case holding several laptops

The red, green and blue machines are Dell Netbooks. They’re cute, but my stance on netbooks remains unchanged.
The really nice machines are the copper-coloured 16 gig “Dell-a-saurus” machines in the middle row.

We marked the end of TechDays Vancouver 2009 with strong drink and flaming teppanyaki:

Flaming teppanyaki, with Rick Claus saying "Funny, that's exactly what happens when I get my hands on a computer!"

[This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.]


TechDays Vancouver: Scenes from the “Platform” Track

"Welcome" sign at Techdays 2009 Vancouver

It’s Monday, September 14th, which means that TechDays Canada 2009 has begun! We’re at the Vancouver Convention Centre in beautiful Vangroovy, the first city of sevencities we’re visiting in our tour. We’re travelling across Canada throughout the fall to show off the latest and greatest things that developers and IT pros can do with currently available tools and technologies from Microsoft.

"Welcome" sign at TechDays 2009 Vancouver, showing the Vancouver Convention centre behind it.

Last year, I was a mere presenter. This year, I’m the lead of the Developing for the Microsoft-Based Platform track whose abstract is below:


Learning key skills to develop rich client and web-based applications on the Microsoft-based platform is what this track is all about. In this track you will learn how to develop rich, interactive and interoperable applications for both the client and the web using our newest tools and frameworks. You’ll learn how to build software that helps to give your users the best experience possible, whether it’s a program running on Windows 7, a website built on ASP.NET MVC or a Silverlight-based rich internet application. You’ll also learn how to build services that can deliver data to almost any platform and internet-enabled device. And finally, you’ll learn how to build these software and services in ways that are modular and maintainable.

Here’s the room in which my track in taking place, as seen at 8:30 this morning (Pacific time, naturally), with a half-hour to go before the sessions began. We were already picking up a decent crowd:

Ballroom A filling up

First up was Zaheera Valani of the Silverlight team doing the presentation What’s New in Silverlight 3, where she showed off the features in the latest version of Silverlight. According to the rule of thumb for Microsoft software versions, this should be the version that really catches on, and the early signs indicate that this seems to be the case.

Zaheera Valani presenting "What's New in Silverlight 3" at TechDays 2009 Vancouver

As I write this, my co-worker in Microsoft Canada’s Developer and Platform Evangelism group, Qixing Zheng, is doing the Expression Blend for Developers session. That’s right, it’s not just for UI designers – it’s also a pretty good development tool:

Qixing Zheng presenting "Expression Blend for Developers" at TechDays 2009 Vancouver


Your Last Day for TechDays Vancouver or Toronto at $299!

Microsoft TechDays Canada 2009: $299 - Last day!

Today is your last chance to register for TechDays Canada 2009’s Vancouver (September 14 – 15) and Toronto (September 29 – 30) conferences at the early bird price of CDN$299. Tomorrow, the price doubles to CDN$599 – that’s the price for procrastination!

I’ve written a lot about TechDays Canada 2009 lately, so I think I’ll close with this video shot by the folks at TechVibes on the last leg of the TechDays Canada 2008 tour: Vancouver. It features my coworkers Rick Claus (IT Pro Evangelist) and Qixing Zheng (User Experience Evangelist) as well as Yours Truly (Developer Evangelist) talking about TechDays:

Techvibes at Microsoft Tech Days 2008 from on Vimeo.

With the work we’re putting into TechDays, we think it’ll be the conference that offers you the most conference for your hard-earned dollars. It features big-league sessions delivered by local people plus great resources for you to take home (and to work) and supercharge the way you work with technology. You really should register today, while the early bird price is still in effect.

Microsoft TechDays Canada 2009: 2 days - 7 cities - 5 tracks - 40 sessions - plus more!


TechDays Toronto and Vancouver: 2 Days Left for the Early Bird Rate


The early bird registration price for TechDays Vancouver (September 14th – 15th) and TechDays Toronto (September 29th – 30th) will disappear after Monday, August 31st. If you want to catch TechDays at the ultra-cheap rate, you should register now!

Here’s a quick graphic recap of what TechDays Canada 2009 is all about:

Rather than asking Canadian developers and IT pros to fly far away to a conference and take a hit on the currency exchange, TechDays Canada 2009 takes the conference to them. We’re taking the sessions and information from conferences like TechEd, updating them with the latest information and bringing them to the following cities:

  • Vancouver (September 14 – 15…two weeks away!)
  • Toronto (September 29 – 30…a month from now)
  • Halifax (November 2 – 3)
  • Calgary (November 17 – 18)
  • Montreal (December 2 – 3)
  • Ottawa (December 9 –10)
  • Winnipeg (December 15 – 16)

TechDays Canada 2009 features the following tracks:

  • Developing for the Microsoft-Based Platform (which happens to be the track I’m in charge of)
  • Developer Fundamentals and Best Practices
  • Windows Client
  • Servers, Security and Management
  • Communications and Collaboration

And, as a bonus, we’ve got an extra track for Vancouver and Toronto: Developer Foundations, which contains sessions of a non-platform-specific nature covering best coding practices and good software engineering.

Attendees also get $700 worth of goodies, including a TechNet Plus Direct Subscription (which gets you Windows 7 for free, among other things), access to content from the TechEd conference, the TechDays 2009 Resource DVD, discounts on books and more.

TechDays presentations are given mostly by local people and attended by local people. If you want to get to know and network with developers, IT pros and techies in your area – and believe me, this sort of thing pays off in spades – TechDays Canada 2009 is a great place for it.

If you’re a developer or IT pro and work with the .NET platform – or are even just curious about it – you should be at TechDays Canada 2009. And if you like saving money, you’ll register before the end of Monday, August 31st.


Reminder: 3 Days Left for TechDays Vancouver and Toronto at $299

TechDays Canada 2009: $299 for 3 more days

If you want to attend TechDays Vancouver (September 14 – 15) or TechDays Toronto (September 29 – 30) at the early bird rate, you’ve got 3 days left! After Monday, August 31st, you’ll have to pay the full $599. Register now and save!


TechDays 2009 Sessions Announced, and Other News

Microsoft TechDays Canada 2009: 2 days - 7 cities - 5 tracks - 40 sessions - plus more!

Developer Sessions at TechDays

The sessions for TechDays 2009, Microsoft’s cross-Canada conference taking place in seven cities this fall, have been posted on the TechDays site. You can go there to see the full set of sessions, or you can check the table below to look at the sessions for the tracks related to software development.

I’m the lead for the Developing for the Microsoft-Based Platform track and John Bristowe is lead for the Developer Fundamentals and Best Practices track. John and I picked the best developer-focused sessions from this year’s TechEd conference and put them into our tracks. We’ve also chosen speakers for each session in each of TechDays’ seven cities, going for local developers wherever possible. TechDays features international conference material and local speakers, right near where you live. We’re not just expanding your knowledge, we’re stretching your dollar, too!

And now, the developer sessions…

Track: Developing for the Microsoft-Based Platform

Track: Developer Fundamentals and Best Practices

Learning key skills to develop rich client and web-based applications on the Microsoft-based platform is what this track is all about. In this track you will learn how to develop rich, interactive and interoperable applications for both the client and the web using our newest tools and frameworks. You’ll learn how to build software that helps to give your users the best experience possible, whether it’s a program running on Windows 7, a website built on ASP.NET MVC or a Silverlight-based rich internet application. You’ll also learn how to build services that can deliver data to almost any platform and internet-enabled device. And finally, you’ll learn how to build these software and services in ways that are modular and maintainable. This track is all about taking your skills up a notch while at the same time ensuring effective and efficient interaction with all members of the development team from IT architect, to developer, to tester. You will learn about the importance of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and how to leverage the Visual Studio development platform to streamline your efforts. You will learn some best practices from industry professionals while building upon your technical foundation.

Day One: Front End – User Interface and Experience

Day One: Core Fundamentals and Best Practices

Day 1, Session 1:
What’s New in Silverlight 3

Rich internet applications just got richer! Silverlight 3 is packed with new features and improvements that your users will notice, from pixel shaders to perspective 3D to animation enhancements to bitmap APIs to HD video. We think you’ll also be impressed by the features for developers, such as the updated style model, data binding improvements, better resource handling, and a tuned-up Web services stack. In this session, we’ll explore new features of Silverlight 3 as we build a Silverlight-based application using Expression Blend 3 and Visual Studio.

Day 1, Session 1:
Tips and Tricks for Visual Studio

This session enhances your experience with Visual Studio. Keyboard shortcuts, macros, layouts, fonts, tools, and external utilities are all very powerful and underused features of Visual Studio. This session makes you more productive in Visual Studio. Bring your pen and pad because you’ll definitely want to take notes!

Day 1, Session 2:
Expression Blend for Developers

Not a designer? Overwhelmed by Expression Blend? Not a problem! We’ll show you how to use Expression Blend to create advanced and polished user interfaces for business applications, consumer applications, multimedia projects, games or anything in between. We’ll cover features of Expression Blend from a developer’s perspective and show how it works in tandem with Visual Studio throughout the development process. You’ll learn how to create professional-looking user interfaces and visual elements – even if you don’t think of yourself as an interface designer.

Day 1, Session 2:
Test Driven Development Techniques

In recent empirical study from Microsoft Research, four case studies were conducted and the results indicated that by using Test-Driven Development (TDD) the pre-release bugs decreased by 40-90% relative to similar projects that did not use TDD. Subjectively, the teams experienced a 15-35% increase in initial development time after adopting TDD. In this session learn some of the key techniques for effectively using TDD to drive the creation of better software, reduce the defect density in projects, and help improve overall productivity

Day 1, Session 3:
Building Modular Applications Using Silverlight and WPF

How do you build extensible and maintainable line-of-business applications in Silverlight and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)? How do you design and code to handle real-world complexity? Composite Application Guidance (a.k.a. "PRISM") offers guidance, libraries and examples – in small, free-standing, digestible chunks – that you can use to build applications with rich user interfaces that are also easier to maintain and extend. You’ll learn how to compose complex UIs from simpler views, integrate loosely coupled components with "EventAggregator" and "Commands", develop independent modules that can be loaded dynamically, and share code between Silverlight and WPF clients.

Day 1, Session 3:
Patterns for the Rest of Us

Patterns. Patterns. Patterns. You hear them everywhere. We’re told to use them and call them by names, as if the pattern is a colleague of ours. Hey, did you see Observable Pattern in the demo this morning? If you feel left out in conversations where Pattern buzzwords are thrown around, this session is for you. This session introduces Patterns with imagery, code, terms, and fun and games to help you better understand and remember pattern usage.

Day 1, Session 4:
Optimizing Your Apps for the Windows 7 User Experience

This session will show you the Windows 7 APIs that will let your applications – and your users – get the full Windows 7 experience. Learn about new extensibility methods to surface your application’s key tasks. Discover how enhancements to the taskbar, Start Menu, thumbnails, desktop elements, the Scenic Ribbon, Federated Search and Internet Explorer 8 provide new ways for you to delight your users and help make them more productive. If you want to give your users the best Windows 7 experience, this session is for you!

Day 1, Session 4:
A Strategic Comparison of Data Access Technologies from Microsoft

Thanks to recent innovations from Microsoft including LINQ, the Entity Framework and ADO.NET Data Services, choosing a technology for data access architecture has become a subject for debate. Among other things, developers must balance productivity, elegance, and performance. Some common questions include: Are data readers and data sets still useful? How should I choose between LINQ and Entity Framework models? Should I design custom entities or use types that follow the database schema? Should I use ADO.NET Data Services to expose my data model or control access via Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) business services? This session looks at data access architecture for each of these technologies, illustrates common practices when employing each, discusses pros and cons, and helps you better understand how to choose the right technology for your scenario.

Day Two – Back End: Programming Frameworks and Principles

Day Two – Team System Fundamentals and Best Practices

Day 2, Session 1:
Introducing ASP.NET MVC

You’ve probably heard the buzz about Model-View-Controller (MVC) web frameworks. They’re all the rage because they combine speed, simplicity, control…and fun. ASP.NET MVC is Microsoft’s MVC web framework, and in this session, we’ll talk about the MVC pattern, explain the ideas behind ASP.NET MVC and walk through the process of building an application using this new web framework. We’ll also cover several techniques to get the most out of ASP.NET MVC and deliver web applications quickly and with style.

Day 2, Session 1:
Practical Web Testing

This session is about looking at the past, present, and future of Web testing. We begin by looking at how Web testing was accomplished before the arrival of Microsoft Visual Studio Team System. Next, you will learn about the Web and load testing tools available in Visual Studio Team System 2005/2008.

Day 2, Session 2:
SOLIDify Your Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Applications

Object-oriented programming makes it easier to manage complexity, but only if you do it right. The five SOLID principles of class design (one for each letter) help ensure that you’re writing applications that are flexible, comprehensible and maintainable, and we’ll explain and explore them in this session. We’ll start with a brittle ASP.NET MVC application that’s badly in need of refactoring and fix it by applying the SOLID principles. This session is a good follow-up for Introducing ASP.NET MVC, but it’s also good for developers of ASP.NET MVC looking to improve their code – or even if you’re not planning to use ASP.NET MVC. The SOLID principles apply to programming in any object-oriented language or framework.

Day 2, Session 2:
Better Software Change and Configuration Management Using TFS

A critical factor in getting the most out of Team Foundation Server is understanding the version control and build systems. In this session, learn how use Team Build and Team Foundation Server Version Control to effectively manage concurrent development branches. Learn about how set up your repository structure and how to define builds. Learn about different branching techniques like branch by feature and branch for release. Learn how builds help you find what has changed in branches and how to manage releases, service packs, and hot fixes. Attend this session to see how the API can help create better release documentation and get you out the door sooner.

Day 2, Session 3:
Building RESTful Services with WCF

REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is an architectural style for building services, and it’s the architectural style of the web. It’s been popular outside the world of Microsoft development for a long time, but it’s quickly becoming the de facto standard inside as well. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) makes it simple to build RESTful web services, which are easy to use, simple and flexible. In this session, we’ll cover the basics of REST and the show you how to build REST-based, interoperable web services that can be accessed not just by Microsoft-based web and desktop applications, but anything that can communicate via HTTP from an Ajax client to a feed readers to mobile device to applications written using other languages and frameworks such as PHP, Python/Django or Ruby/Rails.

Day 2, Session 3:
Metrics That Matter: Using Team System for Process Improvement

Process improvement without adequate metrics is shooting in the dark — you might hit your target, but it’s impossible to aim and difficult to determine how close you were to hitting your goal. In this session we look at how Microsoft Visual Studio Team System collects data, and how we can modify our process to collect the right data. Then we talk about several candidate metrics (top ten key metrics) that many real-world organizations have used to achieve real improvements and help get an excellent return on investment in Team Foundation Server implementation. We frame the discussion and demos around using a process improvement effort (either formal or informal) to help your Team System implementation get you the ROI you deserve!

Day 2, Session 4:
Developing and Consuming Services for SharePoint

The world gets more service-oriented every day, and with that comes the demand to integrate all kinds of services, including those from SharePoint. This session introduces SharePoint as a developer platform and provides an overview of how you can build and deploy custom services with it. The focus will be on developing ASP.NET and Windows Communication Foundation services for SharePoint as well as building a Silverlight client to consume them.

Day 2, Session 4:
Database Change Management with Team System

If you develop database enabled applications on top of SQL Server, you owe it to yourself to considering doing it better with Visual Studio Team System. In this session, you’ll learn about changes to how the product works under the covers and what that means to you. Then, you’ll learn how to use the product to design, build, and deploy your databases to development, test, and production environments — all with purpose and method instead of the more traditional madness that can be found in many shops in the wild

Free TechNet Plus Subscription for TechDays Attendees

Your admission to TechDays gets you more than just two days’ worth of conference and networking. We’re also putting together a package of goodies that you can use long after we’ve turned out the lights at the last TechDays venue.

One such goodie is a full year’s subscription to TechNet Plus, the Microsoft IT pro resource that gives you, among other things, full, non-time-limited versions of operating systems, servers and Office System software for evaluation (non-production) use. It also gives you access to pre-release versions, a full technical infromation library, two free tech support calls, and more, It’s a US$349 value that you get for free if you attend TechDays.

More Than Just a Conference

In addition to coming to a city near you to hold TechDays, we’re planning activities for each city in our tour – things like user group events, academic events, Coffee and Code and more! Watch this blog for announcements for your city.

We also have some surprises in store, and we’ll announce them…soon.

Register at the Early Bird Price

You could pay the full price of CDN$599 if you really wanted to. We think that you’d rather save a whole $300 and pay just CDN$299. The early bird price for any of the TechDays cities is available only until 6 weeks before that city’s conference, and the Vancouver and Toronto conferences are happening in September. Procrastinate at your peril – register now!


TechDays 2009

Microsoft TechDays Canada 2009Summer may just be starting, but we’re already working on on Microsoft’s big conference for the fall, TechDays 2009. It’s our cross-Canada conference for Developers and IT Pros that covers Microsoft tools and technologies that are available right now.

I was a presenter at TechDays 2008, and this year, I’m in charge the Developing for the Windows Platform track, responsible for choosing the sessions and training their speakers.

When and Where

TechDays 2009 takes place in September, November and December. We start with Vancouver and Toronto, the cities with the two largest venues. We leave October open for the AlignIT conferences. Things pick up again in November, when we hit these cities: Halifax, Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa and Winnipeg.

Here’s are TechDays 2009’s cities and dates:

TechDays 2009 City Conference Dates
Vancouver September 14th and 15th
Toronto September 29th and 30th
Halifax November 2nd and 3rd
Calgary November 17th and 18th
Montreal December 2nd and 3rd
Ottawa December 9th and 10th
Winnipeg December 15th and 16th

As a track owner, I will be at all the cities for the week around those dates. My plan is to try to hold a “Coffee and Code” event in each TechDays city during that week, so watch this blog for those announcements.

TechDays 2009 Tracks

TechDays 2009 will have five tracks:

  • Developing for the Microsoft Platform (mine!)
  • Developer Fundamentals and Best Practices
  • Windows Client
  • Servers, Security and Management
  • Communications and Collaboration

We’re currently in the process of choosing the sessions for each track, which spans the two days of the conference, four 75-minutes sessions per day.

Here are the details for each track:

Developing for the Microsoft Platform (This one’s mine!)

Key Technology Areas Covered:

  • Silverlight
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
  • Windows Mobile Development
  • Developing applications for Windows 7
  • Internet Explorer 8

That’s right, I’m in charge of choosing the content and training the speakers for this track. If you have suggestions for particular topics you’d like to see in this track, email me or leave a comment!

Learning key skills to develop rich client and web-based applications on the Microsoft platform is what this track is all about. In this track you will learn how to develop and enhance your web-based applications both locally and for the Cloud. You will also learn how to leverage Visual Studio 2008 to develop applications for Windows 7 and the unique opportunities offered by this exciting new operating system. You will also learn how you can take your applications on the road with Windows Mobile.

Developer Fundamentals and Best Practices

Key Technology Areas Covered:

  • Application Lifecycle Management
  • Visual Studio Team Suite
  • Visual Studio Team Foundation Server
  • SQL Server 2008
  • Interoperating with Java, PHP, and MySQL
  • VB6 to .NET migration
This track is all about taking your skills up a notch while at the same time ensuring effective and efficient interaction with all members of the development team from architect, to developer, to tester. You will learn about the importance of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and how to leverage the Visual Studio development platform to streamline your efforts. Transitioning to new technologies is never easy so we will provide some best practices on how to transition from technologies like Visual Basic 6, Java, and others to Microsoft .NET and the Windows Platform including SQL Server.
Windows Client

Key Technology Areas Covered:

  • Windows 7
  • Application Compatibility Tools
  • XP Mode
  • Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V)
  • Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP)
  • System Center Configuration Manager
  • Forefront Client Security
  • DirectAccess
  • BranchCache
As a new version of the Windows client operating system gets released you find yourself thinking about a number of issues – Will it run on my hardware? How can I deploy it efficiently across my organization? Will all of the applications we need work with the new Windows version? What are my options to ensure key applications will function properly? How can I secure our organization’s desktops? How can I provide my users with easier and secure access to our network? In the Windows Client track you will learn the skills to allow you to answer all of these questions and more. You will learn how to implement key technologies like DirectAccess and BranchCache providing a richer user experience, as well as easier administration, with the combination of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Servers, Security, and Management

Key Technology Areas Covered:

  • Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Hyper-V
  • System Center Suite of Products
  • Forefront Suite of Products
  • SQL Server 2008
In these tough economic times organizations are looking to you to help them implement technologies that will streamline operations and reduce costs. In this track you will learn how to migrate to and implement a virtualized infrastructure while also increasing availability. You will see how Windows Server 2008, Hyper-V, and the System Center suite of products provide a robust solution to deploy and manage your datacenter. You will learn how to take advantage of new enhancements in Windows Server 2008 R2 to enhance scalability and availability, as well as how to secure your organization from external and internal threats with the Forefront suite of security products. Automating administration allows you to focus more on key issues for the business, and we will show you how to leverage the System Center suite of products to reduce your workload while increasing your effectiveness. As well, you will learn how to take advantage of these and to use best practices to ensure your SQL Server and other server components are operating efficiently and securely.

Communications and Collaboration

Key Technology Areas Covered:

  • Microsoft Exchange 2007 and 2010
  • Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007
  • Visual Studio 2008 for SharePoint Development
  • Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite
  • SQL Server 2008
When it comes to ensuring your users are happy, two things might be top of mind – make sure that users can always get to their email no matter where they are; and, provide them with access to files and documents they need to work with when they need them. This track is all about teaching you the skills to keep your users happy. You will learn how to migrate to the most recent versions of Exchange and SharePoint to take advantage of the many new enhancements to safeguard your users’ data including integrated archiving in Exchange 2010, version and content management in SharePoint, and much more. You will learn how to develop enhancements to SharePoint using SharePoint Designer, and Visual Studio. You will also learn how to manage both your SharePoint and Exchange infrastructure more efficiently and ensure higher availability. Finally, you will learn how the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) can be used to reduce costs and increase availability, while also integrating it with your existing Active Directory and Exchange environments.

Who’s Presenting

Photo: Microphone in foreground, auidence in background. TechDays isn’t just about technology presentations; it’s also about building up local developer communities. We provide the session topic and presentation materials, but we want you, the developer community, to do the presentations. Whenever possible, we want people from the region to speak: developers and IT pros from Vancouver, Victoria and parts surrounding speaking at TechDays Vancouver, developers and IT pros from in and around Toronto speaking at TechDays Toronto, and so on.

As I write this, we’re contacting developers and IT pros across Canada, asking them if they’d like to present at session at the TechDays conference nearest to them. If you’ve got the presentation skills (and yes, we’ll help you sharpen them, too!) and think you might do a great job presenting at TechDays 2009, drop me a line and we’ll talk.

How Much?

It’s very, very reasonable: the early bird rate is CAD$299 – and that’s for the full two days, five tracks and breakfast and lunch and an opportunity to network with both Microsofties and your local developer community, Even if you’re in a startup living on ramen noodles, TechDays 2009 won’t break your budget.

Find Out More

You can get the full scoop on TechDays 2009 at the TechDays site,