
Kick-It: Buy Windows Server, Donate to a Good Cause

Kick-It / Right to Play / Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows Server 2008 R2 is the latest version of Windows Server, which runs all sorts of goodies from ASP.NET/ASP.NET MVC, SharePoint, Exchange and SQL Server, as well as PHP.

Right to Play is an organization whose goal is to improve the lives of children in some of the world’s poorest areas by using sports and play to promote development, health and peace. logo Microsoft and Right to Play have put together a special offer for Windows Server 2008 R2 called Kick-It, named for this summer, the “Summer of Soccer”. If you purchase Windows Server 2008 R2 through a hosting provider, and Microsoft will make a donation to Right to Play. Here in Canada, the participating hosting provider is

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.


Last Night at EnergizeIT Toronto

EnergizeIT: Anything is PossibleLast night, EnergizeIT – that’s the cross-Canada tour where we talk to developers, IT Pros, students and faculty about Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Software+Services, cloud computing, architecture and a whole raft of other things that are coming soon from Microsoft – hit downtown Toronto with the “Future of the Platform” presentation aimed at IT Pros and systems administration types. IT Pro Evangelist Rick Claus flew in to do the heavy lifitng by presenting solo; I was there for support and to answer developer-specific questions.

Ballet School, on Maitland Street in Toronto

In Canada, the phrase “I’m going to the ballet” tonight is sometimes used as a euphemism for “I’m going to the strip club”. So it was with great amusement when we found out that the venue for the presentation was Canada’s National Ballet School. I’m pretty sure I said “Well, I’m off to the ballet!” a dozen times before making my way to EnergizeIT.

Ballet school main hall interior

The presentation went quite well, with many people asking all sorts of questions about the new features in both Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. As with all the other EnergizeIT shows I have attended, many attendees either couldn’t wait to get their hands on the Windows 7 beta DVDs we were handing out or couldn’t stop singing its praises.

I’ll close with this shot of Rick, whom I caught in a perfect moment – it looks like he’s doing the “Head Crusher” routine from The Kids in the Hall:

Rick Claus doing his presentation: "I'm crushing your head!"


EnergizeIT 2009: Coming Soon!

Banner: EnergizeIT - Anything is possible

It’s been announced on Canadian Developer Connection, but I thought I’d mention it here: we folks at Microsoft Canada are gearing up for the 2009 edition of EnergizeIT, a cross-country tour where we’ll show off our upcoming tools, technology and platforms.

Logos: Windows Azure, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7

For starters, we’ll be showing off Windows 7. I’ve been running it on both my “developer” and “TPS report-writing” laptops for weeks now, and it’s been nothing but rock-solid: all my XP and Vista-based software, from development apps to games and even my synth software (I run Ableton Live and FL Studio, a.k.a. “FruityLoops”) work like a charm on it. We’ll show off the improved UI, additional capabilities that you can take advantage of as a developer, and even give you a chance to install the beta on your own machine.

EnergizeIT is also an opportunity to check out what we’ve got in the way of server tech, such as the revamped Windows Server 2008 R2 with its Hyper-V virtualization and Windows Azure, our cloud computing platform that scales to meet your needs and saves you maintenance headaches.

We’ll have five different kinds of events at our EnergizeIT stops:

  • The Future of the Windows Platform: We’ll talk about Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, all with this question in mind: “How is this going to make my life easier?”
  • Energize IT: From the Client to the Cloud: Find out about our “Software + Services” vision, where you can access computing power anywhere, any time and on any device.
  • Student Connection: Get Energized About the Future! Get a head start on your journey from academia to “the real world” as we show you some upcoming tech and talk about the opportunities that exist, even in current economic mess.
  • Faculty Connection: Supporting Faculty to Support the Future: Find out about our programs to support people who teach technology and let us know what you need.
  • Enthusiast Connection: Windows 7 Installfest: Take Windows 7 for a spin and ask us about our experiences with our up-and-coming desktop operating system.

Map of Canada

In the past, we’ve only held EnergizeIT in Toronto, but this time, we’re borrowing a page from Aerosmith’s book and coming to your hometown. Starting in mid-March and running through until the end of April, we’ll be hitting these cities:

  • Victoria
  • Vancouver
  • Edmonton
  • Calgary
  • Regina
  • Saskatoon
  • Winnipeg
  • London
  • Kitchener-Waterloo
  • Mississauga
  • Toronto
  • Ottawa
  • Montreal
  • Halifax
  • Moncton
  • Fredericton
  • St. John’s

As for how much it’ll cost for you to attend our EnergizeIT events: nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Bupkis. Honkis de Konkis, as we say in some circles. Simply put, it’s free of charge.

Want to find out more about EnergizeIT or register? Go hit the EnergizeIT site.