A ThirdAge/JWT Boom study has data that suggests that “people over age 40 participate heavily in word-of-mouth and value personal recommendations and expert opinions, but they have not embraced social networking or blogs despite being heavy users of other online services.”
The “Cubicle Rage” Video
Have you not seen the video in which a cube farm worker flips out and starts tearing the office apart? Gizmodo has two videos, one from an overhead security cam and one taken by a coworker on his cell. I have some questions that I’ll pose in a longer post.
The Moral Life of Cubicles
The final lines of the article The Moral Life of Cubicles: “The cubicle revolution, in fact, was above all ideological. The clichés hurled at cubicles were woven into their sound-dampening fabric board from the beginning. Any discerning criticism of office life will have to take this moral history into account. Indeed, it is precisely the axioms of what makes for a good company and a good person buried within the cubicle that most need to be uncovered and held to critical attention.”
The difference between code written by men and code written by women, according the senior VP for engineering at Ingres: “Women are more touchy-feely and considerate of those who will use the code later. They’ll intersperse their code – those strings of instructions that result in nifty applications and programs – with helpful comments and directions, explaining why they wrote the lines the way they did and exactly how they did it. Men, on the other hand, have no such pretenses. Often, they try to show how clever they are by writing very cryptic code. They try to obfuscate things in the code and don’t leave clear directions for people using it later.”
Why shouldn’t listen to “hasn’t someone done that already?”: Because doing something that someone else has done, just better, can work. Ray Grieselhuber lists 19 success stories that did just that.
UX Rule #1 – All HTML Form Control Elements Require Labels, and this rule is illustrated by showing the differences between Facebook’s and GMail’s login forms.
“New research that makes creative use of sensitive location-tracking data from 100,000 cellphones in Europe suggests that most people can be found in one of just a few locations at any time, and that they do not generally go far from home.” I think we sort of knew this already, but it’s nice to get confirmation with experimental data.